Clipart rock NFT worth $1 million accidentally sold for less than a penny

A non-fungible token (NFT) collector sold his $1 million Clipart rock NFT for less than a penny by accident. Instead of 444 ETH, they listed their prized NFT for 444 Wei. One Wei equals one quintillionth of an Ether, which is the lowest unit of Ether.

EtherRock is a four-year-old NFT project that got viral last year for no apparent reason, causing its prices to surge. Etherrock is a collection of 100 cartoon pet rocks that have sold for millions of dollars and are based on free clipart.

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a crypto asset that uses the blockchain to track who owns digital content like a picture or video.

Clipart rock NFT was then priced at 234 ETH after it accidentally had sold for less than a penny. This NFT seller made a terrible mistake and resorted to Twitter to vent his misfortune and seek assistance.

The majority of the responses exhibited disbelief, with a dash of mockery thrown in for good measure. “The silver lining is that your entire net worth is no longer in a rock jpeg?” one Twitter user responded.

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